Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Welcome to Effusion 2005.

Effusion is all about words. The written word which will be used to create friendships through poetry, poetic prose and short stories.

The aim is to build bridges between people, a friendship can survive and even blossom if it is based on honesty and knowledge first of the self, the “I”, the ego which leads to understanding and respecting of the other.

Women can accomplish a great deal as individuals and as a group. The world of women is diversified and all encompassing because we come in all shapes. Women represent every race, religion, belief, politics. Women are of every sexual orientation. Women celebrates life, love, hope and peace.

This blog celebrates women and their power, yet they must agree with the mandate and the aim. Men are welcome if they agree with the mandate.

The mandate:

1. Promote the positive, such as I am for something instead of being against a person, a group, or an ideology.

2. Respect the other as we respect ourselves. Based on an adage found in the Bible “Love thyself as thy neighbor”
3. Diversity be it of ethnicity, religion, sexuality or race.
4. Equality everyone is equal as each one of us is understood by her character, her humanity, her love, her acceptance and respect of her friend.
5. Love ourselves first in all our greatness and beauty hence loving our friend.
6. Passion for the written word, poetry, poetic prose, short stories or articles.
7. Compassion as the pain of one is respected and understood. Action is taken to soothe the pain and to find ingenious ways to prevent it from happening again.
8. Exposing hatred in all its forms and replacing it by love that is the full knowledge of both the good and bad ourselves our society and hence the other and her society.
9. Developing a body of works that promotes these ideals.


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