Friday, February 11, 2005

Poetry Sojourner Truth

Ain’t I a woman!

December 26, 2004
By Celine Leduc

A long, long time ago
Sojourner Truth asked
Ain’t I a woman?

She saw white men
In their gentleman ways
Standing up for a white women.
Offering them a hand,
Their hand as support
So they could get in or out
Of a carriage.

These gentlemen opened
The doors, stood up,
When a lady entered the room.
A white lady that is…

She did not understand
Because she was forced
to work as hard if not harder
Than a man.
She bailed hay, loaded
Sleighs, she was as strong as a man.

She was made to stand up for a man
A white man.
Does this mean she is a true leader?

Was it not what white men think
They were stronger than white women,
Hence, stood up for them…
Maybe this is why she asked;
Ain’t I a woman?

Well time went by,
Some white women learnt
That they could be as strong as men
Where even stronger
As they bore children!
The women said no do not stand up,
Do not offer me a hand
You are making me weak and inferior.
So women worked as hard as men
Became the woman Sojourner was
Way back then.

Well my story is not finished,
You see…
Because after white women
Saw their strength
Got their rights.
Could make decisions
And vote.
Way down in Alabama
A young woman
Worked all day,
Her feet were tired,
Her back ached.
Was told by a white man
Stand up and give me your seat.

Rosa Parks stayed seated
She remained in her seat
Going against the law.
She sat in her seat.
She said knowing well that she was a woman!

Well, she stirred quite a fuss
She got black men to talk and stand up
White women stood up for her
Together they made a difference.
And finally, Rosa got to sit!

It took over 300 years
If not more for white women to
See that black women were women
Just like them…
But then it took more than
3000 years to see they were equal to men….

Maybe this is what Sojourner meant
When she said” Ain’t I a woman”
She knew!


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