Saturday, March 26, 2005



March 27, 2005

Ms. Barbra Streisand
c/o Martin Erlichman Associates, Inc.

5670 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 2400
Los Angeles, CA 90036

Dear Ms Streisand,

Happy Purim!

I have been a fan of yours since 1967. One of your songs had an impact on my life: “People” The lyrics say: People who need people are the luckiest people in the World. I am a lucky person as I need your help to save a life, that of Salah Shoaib Choudhury.

Salah Shoaib Choudhury, is a journalist from Bangladesh whose only crime is to want peace with Israel and extend a hand of friendship to the West. Yet, he stands accused of sedition.

Take a few minutes out of your busy day to sign a petition on his behalf by going to: Forward it, and/or write a letter and send it to: President Dr. Iajuddin Ahmed, to Prime Minister H. E BEGUM KHALEDA ZIA, of Bangladesh. And send a copy of your letter to: Secretary General Kofi Annan, UN Headquarters and to Dr. Rice State Secretary of the United States.

You might save the life of Salah Shoaib Choudhury.

In an interview with at the Actor’s Studio you said: Commitment is the most important act, because when we commit the universe opens up. This is why I believe that writing to you, asking you to support my letter writing campaign can open doors and make a difference.

Writing to officials in the United Nations, the United States and Bangladesh can work, remember the fatwa against Salman Rushdie or Talisma Nasreen? The pressure of international public opinion spared both Rushdie and Nasreen. Salah Shoaib Choudhury is a Muslim man who believes that peace is possible with Israel and the West; he is accused of sedition, but his real “crime” is his dream of peace.

Celine Leduc


During the Second World War when Jews were being murdered and slaughtered by the millions, there was a poem or wisdom saying, They came for the Jews and I did not speak out, They came for Catholics I did not speak out, they came for .... and it ends with they came for me and no one was left. These words of wisdom are often used and quoted in the gentile world of which I am part of, since I am not Jewish. Yet, they resonate a truth that is still in need of understanding and feeling in my world, the dominant society.

Personal experience has taught me that the Jewish community is one of kindness and hope, they are faithful to their friends. Sadly, their friends are not always faithful to them. Yet, the Hebrew Bible teaches us that when friends stand by one another lives are saved.

The Hebrew Bible gives us examples, Bhatia (the daughter of the evil Pharaoh) and Miriam (his sister) saved the life of Moses. Deborah, the judge had a vision a woman would save her people, and it is Jael (a gentile friend) who killed the enemy of Israel. Ruth the Moabite whose people were cursed, came with an open heart with her mother in law Naomi went to Bethlehem. Ruth was accepted and was the grand mother of King David. Let us not forget Queen Esther, who saved her people and when she fasted and asked her people to join in they accepted the Torah, which had been brought down by Moses.

So, it is in that spirit that I am writing to you, please let us make another miracle by joining forces to save a life.

This is why I am enclosing a letter which I am sending to all newspapers I can find to try and ask journalists to take on the cause of Salah Shoaib Choudhury. And I humbly ask for you to help me save an innocent man, as he is an inspiration for me.

Celine Leduc
IFLAC Delegate Canada


This letter is addressed to all people who say silently: “If I had known, I would have done something.” Be it during the holocaust, or when journalist Daniel Pearl was murdered, in Pakistan, because he was a Jew. As individuals, we were left with an immense sadness and a helpless feeling “if only…” I would be like: Raoul Wallenberg, Schindler, or Lilly Wust who saved the lives of Jews. Right now, you and I can change that feeling of helplessness to empowerment, and who knows together we could even save a life.

Salah Shoaib Choudhury, is a journalist from Bangladesh whose only crime is to want peace with Israel and extend a hand of friendship to the West. Yet, he stands accused of sedition.Take a few minutes out of your busy day to sign a petition on his behalf by going to: Forward it, and/or write a letter and send it to: President Dr. Iajuddin Ahmed, to Prime Minister H. E BEGUM KHALEDA ZIA, of Bangladesh. And send a copy of your letter to: Secretary General Kofi Annan, UN Headquarters.

You might save the life of Salah Shoaib Choudhury.

Writing to officials in Bangladesh can work, remember the fatwa against Salman Rushdie or Talisma Nasreen? The pressure of international public opinion spared both Rushdie and Nasreen. Salah Shoaib Choudhury is a Muslim man who believes that peace is possible with Israel; he is accused of sedition, but his real “crime” is his dream of peace.Celine Leduc


February 21, 2005

U.S. Department of State
2201 C St. NW
Washington, DC

Dear Dr. Rice,

Congratulations on your nomination by President Bush to the prestigious appointment of Secretary of State. It is with deep admiration of your achievements and your understanding of the importance of peace that I am writing to you on behalf of IFLAC, (International Forum for Literature and Culture of Peace).

Dr. Ada Aharoni who currently lives in Haifa Israel is the founder and current president. IFLAC is about paving global PEACE through culture and literature, and the way we can achieve peace through positive activism, creativity and by extending a hand in friendship. IFLAC is an NGO, and I warmly invite you to visit its sites at and for more information.

Salah Shoaib Choudhury a well respected journalist who lives in Bangladesh offered his hand in friendship and wanted to create a bridge of understanding between Bangladesh and Israel. On his way to Israel where he was invited to a Writers international conference on Peace, he was arrested at the airport and sent to jail without any charges. He has been in jail for over a year, and is held without bail, without being formerly charged and without proof of any crime. The only crime they can find is that he wanted to go to Israel, however the fabricated charge is spying for Israel.

I am including some letters that have been sent by IFLAC, and others to free him. IFLAC has started a petition to free him, at this point we have 2400 signatures, you can find the petition at: is not the only group who knows that Salah Choudhury is innocent you can also see the wonderful site by Dr. Richard Benkin has written quite a few articles about the plight of Choudhury: .

His brother Sohail, is the only link between Salah and the world, and he manages to send him messages of encouragement from the world. Sohail was unable to go to his mother’s funeral, who died of grief at what befell her son. He mourned his mother in jail. His family is being harassed and criminalized. There is a great deal of evil false propaganda against Salah and his family, and rumors ranging from his being a homosexual to his being a spy for Israel. Both charges carry a stiff sentence that can include death. He is not a homosexual nor is he spying for Israel, all he did was use freedom of speech to offer a hand of friendship to Israel, and the hope to create a bridge of peace by starting an IFLAC chapter in Bangladesh.We have tried everything to release innocent Salah Choudhury from prison, but he is still kept there in inhuman conditions. Please help us to free innocent Salah Shoaib Choudhury from Dhaka jail in Bangladesh, Cell 15.

ith warm thanks in advance,

Celine Leduc
FLAC Delegate in Canada


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